5 Tips for Safe Use of Your Rollator

Tip 1: Adjust your rollator to the correct height

For safe use of a rollator, it's important that you can walk upright and straight behind it. This is only possible if your rollator is set to the correct height. Setting the rollator too high can cause you to walk with raised shoulders, which can lead to neck and shoulder discomfort. Conversely, if the rollator is set too low, it provides little support, resulting in an incorrect posture.

Here's how to adjust the handle height of the rollator:

  1. Stand between the handles of your rollator.
  2. Keep your arms by your side.
  3. Adjust the handles to wrist height.

Tip 2: Keep your feet between the rear wheels and your body between the handles while walking

When walking with the rollator, it's important to always move your feet between the rear wheels and not behind them. Keep your body between the handles and wheels while walking, staying close to the rollator. Also, avoid hanging bags on the handlebars, as it could throw off the balance of the rollator. Most rollators come equipped with a basket or bag; make use of them.

Tip 3: Use the parking brake of the rollator when taking a break

Many rollators have a seat that you can use to rest for a while. If you use this feature, always engage the parking brake before sitting down. This prevents the rollator from rolling away or sliding out from under you. You can find instructions on how the parking brake works in the user manual of your rollator.

Tip 4: Use your brakes when going up and down curbs

Many sidewalks in the Netherlands are equipped with a sloped curb or ramp. If this is not available, you can read here in detail on how to safely navigate curbs.

Tip 5: Have your rollator regularly checked

Proper maintenance of your rollator ensures prolonged usability. Therefore, have your rollator inspected if you have any doubts. It's important to ensure that your brakes work properly, that the tires have enough tread, and that there are no other issues.

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